The properties of the crystals and stones and Atlantianite devices listed are based upon feedback from clients and customers, workshops and courses, published and unpublished sources and over 20 years personal experience of working with crystals and subtle energy healing. Northstar Atlantianite device usage or crystal healing should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medical treatment. If you or the person using the crystal or device has a medical issue, you should consult a doctor or other appropriate health care provider. Due to the recent changes in UK law we feel obliged to state that because a crystal or Northstar Atlantianite device is alleged to have one or more healing or energetic properties, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, it does not mean that you, personally, will experience, or benefit from, any such properties. Claims are often based on anecdotal evidence and have often not been subjected to independent scientific or medical scrutiny. Any information you receive, whether orally, in written form or electronically, relating to crystals or Northstar Atlantianite devices purchased from Northstar Crystals or anyone connected with Northstar Crystals should be understood to be a personal opinion and is not a claim for the efficacy of crystals or Northstar Atlantianite to heal or affect any physical, mental or emotional condition. © Northstar Crystals 2018